
Ongoing Diarrhoea and loose stools are a sign of an ongoing emotional issue which may go right back to childhood. 

The digestive system is very sensitive to any emotional instability. Our nervous system is wired to shut off digestion and purge in situations of threat. 

When diarrhoea becomes chronic the body is carrying an ongoing state of stress, it may have become so much a part of living that this stress is subconscious. 

The body is trying to rid itself of an ongoing stressful situation and the heavy emotions associated with it. 

In Chinese medicine the root of the problem lies with the Spleen. As the yin organ of the earth element it’s job is to hold a boundary , think of the banks of a river, there is a clear line between land and water. 

The spleen, with its yang partner the stomach, are responsible for providing nourishment. When the spleen weakens it is unable to deliver its nurturing energy to the body. The boundaries fail, water floods the land, there’s a sense of chaos because how can you build on a muddy foundation? The result is fear..’where do I find my stability?’ and exhaustion from needing to keep moving to avoid sinking into the mud. In this situation the best thing to do is get rid of as much water and mud as possible in an attempt to create dry land. 

The metaphor of course is an unstable relationship with a mother or parental figure in our lives. When I say unstable, that could also mean confusing. A parent who conveys or projects negativity, possibly with a lot of control, leaving the child unsure or in fear of breaking the rules. 

Leaving them unable to exert their own boundaries.

If this resonates then consider your own boundaries, are you able to say no? 
What situation is your body telling you about? 
Where is there no joy left for you? 
What is the obstacle to change? 




A Story of Coeliac Disease