Why Does My Stomach Bloat?

There is an emotional reason behind bloating.

The digestive system needs calm and stillness to physically break down food. 

The nervous system plays a big part in our ability to digest. If we find ourselves in a place of worry, fear, anger or frustration then our bodies are more tuned in to the environment and our energy is activated into a ‘doing mode’, rather than digestion mode.


Our body is influenced by the energy in the environment and the people around us.

In the same way, our environment is influenced by OUR energy. 

It’s a continual non-physical communication feedback loop.

We FEEL more than we can cognitively process. 

The truth is that we feel and sense the people around us more than we realise. We sense another person’s stress, and they sense ours. This means that when you feel stressed its likely that you won’t digest well.

AND when others are stressed around us - you won’t digest well.

Why Does Bloating Happen In The Evening?

Each organ in Chinese Medicine has its own personality. The stomach works best in the mornings and gets more tired as the day goes on. Its energy is weakest in the evening…when most of us eat our biggest meal.

Bloating happens when the energy of the stomach cannot descend. The food is unable to be processed and continue the movement of flowing downward.

Think of your emotions like food:

Emotions also need to be digested, processed and integrated. A day full of stress means that your stomach is still digesting and needs some downtime before eating physical food.

The nervous system needs time to turn down from over-processing. Bloating is a sign that you may need more quiet and peace in your life.

An Example of The Root Cause of Bloating..

In Episode 3 of The Healing Point Podcast, you can hear a conversation about how bloating is manifested by the body as a physical metaphor for the situation. 


This is a result of that feedback loop.

There is so much energy and information coming in that the body cannot digest or assimilate it all. 

It is like being force-fed .. there’s a point at which capacity is reached, and tipping over that point causes the body to react, sending a physical message :


Please slow down and find some space, some peace, some room to breathe

The body is always seeking harmonious balance, the only thing that overrides our true instinctual feelings is our thinking brain. 

Your body leads you to your truth. 

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The Emotional Root Cause of Hyperthyroidism


Thoughts Effect Your Physical Body